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One of the greatest paths leading to eternity is the realization of the human service. Such service purifies the heart by eradicating the negative qualities of egoism, jealousy, superiority complex etc., and promoting the divine qualities of humanity, love, tolerance, mercy etc. Through service one begins to realize oneness and unity of existence.
A person is remembered by his deeds and not by his financial status. The joy or the fulfilment of the heart is more profound when you do service, try to do small things like "Give a little cold water to the thirsty; give a few grains of food to the hungry; speak a few kind words to the afflicted" and enjoy the bliss of happiness. In the present day's mechanical life a lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back but they are gone. We are it. It is up to us. It is up to you.